Other guests just like yourself describe their experiences.
Recommendations and ratings on the official website
The opinions of the Maracaibo Aparthotel will give you first-hand information about our family aparthotel in Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria. Let other guests just like yourself describe their experiences with us. Read their reviews, recommendations and ratings on the official website of the Maracaibo Aparthotel.
- Cleaning9.6
- Location9.8
- Staff10
- Price9.5
- Services9.2
The stay has been perfect, the location is unbeatable, a few meters from the beach and the views from the terrace are great. The apartment has everything you need to make your stay very comfortable. The treatment has been exquisite at all times by all the staff (reception, bar, cleaning ...) they have made us feel like family, they are charming and they make us want to visit our hotel again.
The views are amazing, the bed is huge, and it's super comfortable for a good night's sleep, everything is soundproof, the staff is great, and I totally recommend it for a vacation stay.